Church Departments
Church Departments
Ushering Department
Ushering department is one amongst the many other departments whose primary role is to assist the leadership in realizing the Church’s vision and mission through her dedicated service in God’s Kingdom.
Driven by our motto drawn from Col 3:23 “Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men” and the eight core values namely Love, Unity, Integrity, Excellence, Humility, Family, Loyalty and Holiness, we endeavour as the first face of the church to fulfil our divine mandate and functions listed.
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Evangelism Department
Evangelism is said to be the heartbeat of God and it is the great commission. The evangelism department helps to organize and manage church resources in respect of this. The functions of the evangelism department include
- Assist the pastorate to plan, organize and manage evangelistic efforts in church events
- The department also develops a blueprint and framework upon which evangelistic efforts can be sustained.
- Setting evangelistic goals to be achieved within a specified period.
To be a part of the department you need to be enthusiastic, have passion for souls, ability to meet and talk with people, available, committed and dedicated, resilient, knowledgeable of the bible and have a testimony of personal salvation.
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Technical Department
The technical department is the department that oversees sound for the church. This involves setting up the sound system by connecting sound equipment such as microphones, keyboards and guitars to a multi-channel mixer and then the mixer can either be connected directly to a speaker, or to an amplifier which has to be connected to a speaker.
The sound system and equipment is always used every Sunday for church services, and they are sometimes needed for other events which are organized by the church (such as Youth Alive and Friday miracle service). The main duty of the technical department is to get to the venue early enough to ensure the sound system and equipment are set up, tested and ready to be used before the beginning of the church service.
Church Departments
Hospitality Department
What the Hospitality team is about?
The Hospitality team is responsible for the provision of refreshments to all the church members and people who attend for the first time. This helps to ensure members have opportunity to fellowship and to get know each other better after the service.
The following are some of the activities perform by the team:
- Ensure regular availability of refreshments for every Sunday service
- Ensure refreshments is provided to all members
- Provide refreshments for first timers
- Introduce new refreshments to cater everyone
- Actively participate in providing refreshments to worshipers on special occasions such as child dedication, birthdays, thanksgiving etc.
- To provide a clean environment before and after refreshment is served
Church Departments
Choir/Worship Department
These are requirements to join the Choir
Choir membership requirements
- Choir members must have a personal and growing relationship with GOD (Matthew 7:21 -23)
- Members should be committed to improving their knowledge of the word of GOD through the Bible (2 Tim 2:15)
- Members should have completed the believers’ class
- Members should accept the doctrines of the Redeemed Christian Church of GOD
- Members should complete or be willing to undertake the workers’ class
- Members must be subject to the authority of the Pastor, the ministers and the choir leaders (Heb 13:17)
- Members should be skilled in either vocals or instruments or willing to learn (Psalm 150: 1-6)
- Members should be willing to attend at least one church activity per week (Heb 10:25)
- Members ought to participate and eventually lead in the weekly choir prayer and fasting (Jonah 3:5)
- Members ought to participate in other prayer and fasting activities of the church (Dan 10:3)
- Members should be regular and punctual to all gatherings including rehearsals (Eph 5:16)
- Members should be willing to participate in evangelism and other forms of Christian outreach (Isaiah 6:8)
- Members should inform the choir leaders when absent from rehearsal or church service (Heb 13:17)
- Members should be willing the lead praise, worship and other choir ministrations when called upon
- Members should comply with uniform requirements
- Members should be modest in their clothing (Rom 12:1)
- Members ought to continually uphold the choir and the entire body of Christ in prayer (1 Thess 5:16)
Church Departments
Administration Department
The church administrators support the church leadership to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the church. It is a ministry set up to deliver and effective way to manage communication, data, events and governance of church policies. We execute our ministry by the help of the holy spirit in the following way.
- Disseminate information to members through all media channels e.g. phone, website, Facebook etc.
- First point of contact for the church for enquiries & manage correspondence
Data Management
- Maintain Church database: Names, address, birthdays etc.
- Maintain a database of first timers
- Organize events to collect member data
- Communicate Church events weekly coordinating with technical
- Support execution of regular as well as one-off church events
- Ensure venues are booked in advance * (critical)
- Inform the church of policies and procedures required by RCCG / UK govt to administer church
- Oversee and monitor the development of every department (monthly report)
- Manage transport; MOT, insurance, service /repair etc. for the church bus
Church Departments
Prayer Department
This is the Powerhouse of the church. This group is saddled with obligation to pray for the church and “lift the hands” of the pastor in charge. The function of the prayer band is to pray constantly for the church. Voluntarily and personally wait on God with self-denial e.g. fasting. Standing in the gap of individuals members of the church who are facing the challenges. Lastly ensuring that the prevailing spiritual fire on the altar does not recede. To be a member of this department you need to have passion for prayer , be available , live a holy and righteous life and love for privacy.
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Children Department
Our mission is to equip children with God’s Word and Biblical Teachings with enthusiasm and fun. We aim to do this by focusing on four main areas through our Sunday School lessons and activities:
- MEMORISE: Getting children to retain and recite key points and scriptures i.e. memory verses
- UNDERSTAND: Assisting the development of understanding about what he or she has learnt each week
- APPLICATION: Nurturing the child’s ‘Christian Character’ by introducing a range of appropriate topics to encourage wholesome spiritual growth
- TEST: Monitoring knowledge gained through periodic review (e.g. tests, quizzes etc. every 4-6 weeks)
RCCG, Cornerstone Church
The Praying Church
Would you like to worship with us? We are looking forward to having you in church on Sunday.