Communications Policy/Guidelines
RCCG CORNERSTONE is an established and highly respected Charity in the UK. We exist for the advancement of the Christian faith and the relief of poverty worldwide. RCCG CORNERSTONE is committed to building relationships with partners in furtherance of its objectives. RCCG UK CORNERSTONE recognizes that its activities might from time to time interest the news media. We therefore have a responsibility to be responsive to their information requests because the media are among the many ways our donors, stakeholders and beneficiaries build their individual perceptions of RCCG CORNERSTONE and the work we do in the communities we serve. Purpose This policy exists to assure that information disclosed by RCCG CORNERSTONE is necessary, timely, accurate, authoritative and relevant to all aspects of RCCG CORNERSTONE. Adherence to this policy is intended to provide an effective and efficient framework to facilitate the timely dissemination of information. Scope This Communications Policy applies to all employees and volunteers of RCCG CORNERSTONE as well as. This policy covers all external news media including broadcast, electronic and print.
Designation of the Spokesperson
The Head of the Parish’s Communications is designated as the RCCG CORNERSTONE principal media contact and spokesperson. His/her department will consult with the Parish’s relevant department (s) to ascertain the best way to provide information that is necessary, relevant and accurate. Comment [RL57]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL58]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL59]: Please insert your charitable objects Comment [RL60]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL61]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL62]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL63]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL64]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL65]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL66]: Please insert name of parish 93 RCCG UK Compendium of Policies May 2014 Upon approval by the Executive Administrator, the Communications Department will convey the official parish position on issues of significance or situations that are particularly controversial or sensitive in nature. In such instances where the CORNERSTONE exercises discretion to appoint someone external from the communications to be a spokesperson on a given situation, due to their knowledge, experience and expertise in that field, the Communications Department will work closely with that individual to prepare them for all possible media interface outcomes.
Guidelines for Talking with the Media
A reporter, producer or other news media may contact RCCG CORNERSTONE for a number of reasons, for example:
- To get information about an amiable activity/feat of RCCG CORNERSTONE or any of its Stakeholders has accomplished in the community in the course of their operations.
- To get information about RCCG CORNERSTONE or any of its Stakeholders.
- To obtain a comment on an item of news.
- To get information about a recent unexpected event such as thefts or arrests, accidents or injuries; customer or employee complaints, federal, state or local regulatory actions; etc.
- To get general information on a topical story in the community such as changes in policies, problems or issues specific to the community we are situated, etc.
- To challenge RCCG CORNERSTONE Biblical position in relation to trends in society and changes in the law. Refer all media calls to the Head of Communications.
Please do not say you are not allowed to talk to a reporter or have to get permission to do so. Instead, tell the reporter: “RCCG CORNERSTONE policy is to refer all media inquiries to the Parish’s Communications Department. You can reach them by emailing CORNERSTONE”.
When taking a call from the media, the same courtesy and professionalism in which we treat our stakeholders should be displayed toward the media. Comment [RL67]: Please insert the relevant officer Comment [RL68]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL69]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL70]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL71]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL72]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL73]: Please insert the email 94 RCCG UK Compendium of Policies May 2014. Please remember to contact the Head of Communications if and when you have been approached by the media. Even though you have referred the media the Head of Communications will need the information to prepare a response. Do not let a reporter compel you to answer questions on the spot. It is helpful to inform the reporter that RCCG will require proof of his/her identity in relation to the news media that he is purporting to represent.
Guidelines for Photographs and Film
A similar process as described above will be used when someone from the media is requesting permission to take photographs or to film inside our facilities. Refer the caller to The Head of Communications. No one will be given access to the Central Office facility for a photo or filming without approval from The Head of Communications. This decision will be based upon a number of considerations including but not limited to:
- What will the photo or film be used for?
- Is the facility conducive for the photo and filming?
- How much disruptions will this cause to operations?
- Does the facility look “picture perfect” good? ∙ Is it in the best interest of the organization? This Policy will be reviewed annually.
Conflict of Interest Policy
This policy applies to all members and officers of the Board of Trustees of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Cornerstone.
2.0.Reason for a policy
3.0.The Board of Trustees has a legal obligation to act in the best interests of RCCG Cornerstone and in accordance with the charitable objects of the organisation.
4.0.Conflicts of interests may arise where an individual’s personal or family interests and/or loyalties conflict with those of RCCG CORNERSTONE Parish. Such conflicts may create problems; they can:
- 4.1. inhibit free discussion;
- 4.2.result in decisions or actions that are not in the interests of RCCG Cornerstone; and
- 4.3. give the impression that the Board of Trustees has acted improperly.
5.0. The aim of this policy is to protect both the Board of Trustees and the individuals involved from any appearance of impropriety
6.0. The declaration of Interests
7.0. Accordingly, all members and officers of the RCCG Cornerstone to declare their outside interests, together with any gifts or hospitality received in connection with their role in RCCG Cornerstone.
8.0. A declaration of interests form is provided for this purpose, listing the types of interest that should be declared.
9.0. In order to be effective, all directors and officers of RCCG Cornerstone will be required to complete and return a declaration of interests form to the Administrator within one calendar month of being appointed and thereafter when any changes occur. Comment [RL74]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL75]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL76]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL77]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL78]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL79]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL80]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL81]: Please insert name of parish 96 RCCG UK Compendium of Policies May 2014
10.0. In addition, a new declaration of interests form must be completed as soon as any declaration is over one year old.
11.0. Interests will be recorded in the RCCG Cornerstone Register of Interests, which will be maintained by the Administrator. The register will be accessible by any member of the Board of Trustees and any statutory body which has a legal right to access the information.
12.0. Data Protection
The information provided will be processed in accordance with data protection principles as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. Data will be processed only to ensure that Members and Officers of the Board of Trustees act in the best interests of RCCG Cornerstone. The information provided will not be used for any other purpose.
14.0. Declaring a conflict of interest
15.0. A conflict of interest should be declared at the earliest opportunity and the Board member must withdraw from any subsequent discussion.
16.0. A Board member may, however, participate in discussions from which there is an indirect benefit, for example where the benefits are universal to all users, or where personal benefit is minimal.
17.0. Decisions taken where there is a conflict of interest
18.0. In the event of the Board of Trustees having to decide upon a question in which a Board Member or Officer has a conflict of interest, then that person may not participate in the discussion or vote on matters affecting that interest.
19.0. All decisions under a conflict of interest will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The minute will record: the nature and extent of the conflict and the actions taken to manage the conflict.
20.0. Where a trustee personally benefits from a decision of the Board, this will be reported in the annual report and accounts in accordance with Charity Commission’s Statement of Recommended Practice SORP 2005. Comment [RL82]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL83]: Please insert name of parish 97 RCCG UK Compendium of Policies May 2014 The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Cornerstone UK 8. DATA PROTECTION POLICY Background The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Cornerstone is a registered Charity in England. The Cornerstone has notified the Information Commissioner that it holds personal data about individuals and consequently the Redeemed Christian Church of God Cornerstone is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with Registration Number ………. The privacy of our data and members is important to us and we take great care to safeguard it. This Policy explains how we use personal information. General Principles .The Personal Information collected is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (Act) and RCCG Cornerstone is committed to meeting its obligations under the said Act. RCCG Cornerstone will only use data in ways relevant to carrying out its legitimate purposes and functions as a Charity in a way that is not prejudicial to the interests of individuals. RCCG will take due care in the collection and storage of any sensitive data.
Principles of Data Protection as outlined in the Data Protection Act
The Act stipulates that anyone processing personal data must comply with the Eight Principles of Good Practice and ensure that:
1. Personal Data is processed fairly and lawfully.
2. Personal Data is processed for specified and lawful purposes only.
3. Personal Data is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are processed.
4. Personal Data is accurate and kept up to date.
5. Personal Data is not kept longer than necessary.
6. Personal Data is processed in accordance with the rights of individuals.
7. Personal Data is kept securely.
8. Personal Data is not transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area unless the country in question can provide an adequate level of security for that data. Comment [RL84]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL85]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL86]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL87]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL88]: Please insert your Parish’s registration number Comment [RL89]: Please insert name of parish Comment [RL90]: Please insert name of parish 98 RCCG UK Compendium of Policies May 2014 What information do we collect? The information collected by RCCG Cornerstone is what is termed Personal Information in this Policy. Personal Information is any information about you as an individual that would enable someone one to contact you; for example, your names, address, telephone number or e-mail address. When a Staff or a Member comes in contact with RCCG Cornerstone, we will only collect the information necessary to provide them with our services. The information we would generally collect include names, address, date of birth and telephone number. Other information we collect once a person becomes Staff or a Voluntary worker in the Charity includes; photographic identification, marital status, qualifications, occupations and nationality. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. We also collect information from anyone who completes registration forms for Events or Conferences which RCCG Cornerstone organizes or anyone who orders any products from the Parish. Usage of Personal Information All information provided to RCCG Cornerstone will be added to the Charity’s Database and will be used for RCCG Cornerstone purposes only. These purposes may include; administration of staff, voluntary workers records and realizing the objectives of the Charity Implementation The implementation of this Policy will be led and monitored by the Cornerstone Leadership.
This Policy will be reviewed annually.