When King Darius made a decree that nobody should pray to any god or man for thirty days, except to him; Daniel violated that decree by praying and giving thanks before his God. As a result, Daniel was thrown into the den of lions. The king and his people expected Daniel to be mauled to death by the lions. However, God spared the life of Daniel in the den of lions.

In Daniel 6:22 (AMPC) it reads, “My God has sent His angel and has shut the lions’ mouths so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent and blameless before Him; and also before you, O king, (as you very well know) I have done no harm or wrong”

Daniel gave two reasons why the lions lost their appetite when he was thrown inside the den. Daniel said it was because he was found innocent and blameless before God and the king. In other words, Daniel did not offend God, as well as man. There was absolutely nothing that he did wrong before God and man.

My brothers and sisters, your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. It is your innocence and holiness before God and men, that make lions to lose their appetite.

My brothers and sisters, holiness is the greatest deterrent against your enemies. It’s time to take a stand for holiness.

I pray that a hunger for holiness will be stirred up in your life in the name of Jesus

Wishing you a great week.

Your brother
Chuka Duru

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