Being victorious within your boundary

FOCAL SCRIPTURE: ” And I will set your enlarged boundaries from the Red Sea to the Philistine coast, and from the southern deserts as far as the Euphrates River; and I will cause you to defeat the people now living in the land, and you will drive them out ahead of you”. (Exodus 23:31 TLB)

In our focal scripture for this week, God told Israel that He will set boundaries for them to live in. In other words, God wanted Israel to live within the limits of an area. They were not meant to go beyond the boundary God has set for them. God wanted them to operate within the boundaries of their grace.

Notice that God only promised to give them victory within their boundary. As long as they stayed within the boundary, God will deliver the inhabitants of the land into their own hand. As long as they remained within the boundary, they will enjoy the grace and help of God.

Brothers and sisters, the truth in life is that we all have boundaries. There are boundaries God has set for everyone one of us as His children; And just as a fish will not survive outside the boundaries of water, we cannot survive outside those boundaries God has set for us. Unfortunately, many of us are operating outside those boundaries; hence we struggle in life because the grace and help of God is not there.

Brothers and sisters, hear God’s word for you. God says, remain in the boundaries that I have set for you. Remain in your gifting, skill, calling, ability, talent etc and you will enjoy my help.

My brothers and sisters, always remember that as long as Israel remained within the boundary, victory was theirs.

I pray for you that as you function within the boundaries God has set for your life, His grace and help will never cease in your life in the name of Jesus Christ.

Wishing you a glorious week.

Your brother
Chuka Duru

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