Breaking Protocols: Divine Interventions Beyond Our Expectations

FOCAL SCRIPTURE: “Crowds of sick folks – lame, blind, or with paralysed limbs- lay on the platforms (waiting for a certain movement of the water, for an angel of the Lord came from time to time and disturbed the water, and the first person to step down into it afterwards was healed” (John 5:3-4 TLB)

Our focal scripture for this week tells us of a certain way that people at the Bethesda pool received their healing. The crowds of sick folks waited for the movement of the water by an angel of the Lord. So the one and only way for the sick to receive their healing was to wait for an angel to disturb the water. For the crowds of sick folks, there was only one way for them to be healed.

Brothers and sisters, notice that when Jesus appeared on the scene, He did not bother disturbing the water like the angel did before people were healed. Jesus bypassed protocol and brought healing to the man that has been sick for thirty eight years. Put differently, Jesus brought healing in another way.

Brothers and sisters, you may now have conditioned your mind to a certain way as been the only way God can use to bless you, heal you, advance you, lift you, increase you etc. Hear God’s word for you. God says, “He will break protocols for your sake”. God says, He will advance, promote, increase and heal you in ways that you never imagined. God says, as you are waiting for Him to bless your life in a certain way, He says, He will do it in a different way that will amaze you.

I pray for you that this week, the Lord will break protocols for your sake and perform a notable miracle in your life in the name of Jesus Christ.

Wishing you a wonderful week

Your brother
Chuka Duru

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