Breakthrough with Obedience


FOCAL SCRIPTURE: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14 KJV)

In our focal scripture for this week, Jesus said that you are His friend if you obey Him. Jesus clearly set the criteria for anyone that genuinely desires to become His friend.

Notice from Jesus’s statement that friendship with Him is not determined by how long you have been in church. Friendship with Jesus is not based on your position or title in church. It is not even determined by the amount of time you spend praying and fasting. Becoming Jesus’ friend is based on TOTAL OBEDIENCE to Him.

It is then amazing that our obedience to God most of the time tends to be selective. We cherry pick on the things we feel like obeying in the scriptures as if we are having a buffet.

My brothers and sisters, hear God’s word for you today. God says, do not become a buffet style believer in your obedience to His words. God says, be determined to obey Him in everything – marriage, relationships, money, the things you do in the secret and in the open and see how far He will take you in life.

John 2:5 sums it up this way, “His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it”

I pray that you receive deliverance from every form of selective obedience to God’s word in the name of Jesus.

Your brother
Chuka Duru

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